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New York Magazine's Holiday Gift Guide

gift ideas for christmas

The New York Magazine's annual holiday gift guide is out, and you're probably wondering where to start. The magazine's top picks can please anyone. It's also an excellent way to find ideas for last-minute presents. Gift guides are a great tool to increase conversions and sales. Below are some of the best gift guides for each age. This is how you can use it to your advantage.

Top gifts for 4-years-old that you won't ever need

Your child is four years old and full of energy. They are well past the toddler stage and on the road to being a full-blown kid. During this age, children learn how to relate to others and develop empathy. The best gifts are for four-years-olds to support these developmental stages. These thoughtful gifts are sure to delight your child, from toys that stimulate the imagination and educational games.

christmas gift

You can gift an American Girl doll to a shy child if they are still young. You have two options: a classic or modern collection. A wooden camera can be bought with a removable Kaleidoscope lens. A Melissa & Doug Vet kit will also help your child to develop empathy and compassion for animals.

Top gifts that 7-year-olds will love

Ali Mierzejewski, Toy Insider editor-in-chief, is a popular Manhattan resident who knows what children want for their birthday. The gift idea for the 7-year old in your family? Ali Mierzejewski has created a mobile game maker that includes three guidebooks, 16 templates, and washable markers. It lets kids create their own games by drawing and then share them with their friends.

This DIY kit makes an excellent gift for budding artists and writers. It outlines the steps to create their own comic book. This kit is a great option, says Lori Caplan Colon of Montclair Speech Therapy. It allows your child to be creative and helps teach discipline. You can let your child write their own story with a comicbook. This can be a wonderful gift for moms who are looking to spend some quality time with their children.

These are the top gifts for an 8-year-old that you will ever need

As your child grows in interest and talents, it's time you give them the best gifts for eight-years-olds. This age group is ready for middle-grade novels and simpler board games. As they improve their writing and drawing skills, they'll be more comfortable with a notebook. You may still be unsure of what gift to get, but TODAY's gift guide can help you choose the right gift.

gifts to best friend

Toys: Playthings that encourage creativity and collaboration are the best. Toys that allow children to be more focused on their play can be great, but educational toys are better at encouraging learning through play. Interactive toys are longer lasting, more educational and have lower boredom. There are many ways to choose the best toys and games for eight-years-olds.


What can you gift someone who has everything?

For someone they love, a gift certificate!

It's the experiences that last a lifetime that make gifts truly memorable. They're not just physical objects but real memories that last forever.

A gift card can be a great way for people to create long-lasting memories. The gift card allows them to choose what to spend it on. This could be tickets to a concert, dinner at a local restaurant, or a spa treatment.

Gift cards make wonderful gifts as they allow people to choose how to spend the money. And when they return from their experience, they'll have stories to tell everyone around them.

Gift cards are also a great idea for anyone who wants to surprise their partner or family member. You can pick the perfect gift card for your loved one if you know their preferences.

Ask them what they are interested in. You can also go online and search for gift cards that suit their interests.

You can also gift a card to your friend that allows them to access exclusive offers. These cards are great for friends who love shopping and those who enjoy trying out new products.

You can even buy a gift card that allows them to pay off their credit card in full. This is a great gift idea for anyone who loves to save money.

Don't forget: Gift cards are great gifts for everyone. It doesn't matter if it's for you, your partner or your parents. You can find something that will suit them.

Whether you're buying for a man or a woman, you should always consider what they would really appreciate.

Try different gift cards. You can't go wrong with the many choices available today.

What kind of gift should I get my boyfriend for his birthday?

Birthdays are very important days. You should make your boyfriend feel special on his birthday by finding a gift that expresses how you feel about him.

You could offer to take him out for lunch at one his favorite restaurants. You could even take him to dance.

No matter what you do, it should reflect your relationship.

What are the best presents for a girlfriend/boyfriend?

Boyfriends, girlfriends, and boyfriends should be given special attention during the holidays. After all, they're usually the ones who have to deal with the stress of planning everything.

Also, when you are thinking of what to gift them, don’t forget their basic needs.

You might give them extra attention. You could surprise your child by inviting them to spend the night away from your home.

Perhaps you could cook together. Or perhaps you could plan a weekend away where you can spend time together without distractions.

No matter what you do, ensure that your children will appreciate it.

What are sentimental items?

Sentimental gift are those items that are a reminder of someone we love. These items are often things that are a part of our memories. As a child, my parents took me on long car rides every year. We'd stop in various locations along the way to visit our relatives and friends. Sometimes, we would even spend the night in hotels.

After arriving at our destination, we would spend some time there before heading home. As we drove through these towns and cities, we passed many familiar landmarks. We'd often come across something that reminded me of a certain place we were years ago. It would trigger a memory. It could have been the sight of a building resembling the one we stayed at, or a street corner where we used to buy ice cream.

We would sit down at home and reminisce on our trip after we arrived home. The next day we'd start planning another trip somewhere new. So, whenever we travel, we carry with us little tokens of our past travels. Some of these souvenirs are mementos while others are mementos. Others are reminders of happy times with loved one.

What could be more memorable than a gift?

It is a gift that people remember because it is unusual and original. It should make them feel loved and special.

This gift is one they will treasure forever.

It should be something that makes them smile. It should be something that makes them smile.

What are functional gifts?

Functional gifts are those items that you give someone for free as an expression of your appreciation for them. These gifts are not necessarily costly, but they have intrinsic value due to their utility.

A gift card would fall into this category. It could also include a book, a CD, a movie ticket, a meal at a restaurant, etc.


  • Fans of Game of Thrones will really appreciate this handmade door stop which is made from 100% hardwood oak and laser engraved with the name of HODOR. (dodoburd.com)
  • Sharp dressers Versatility is the name of the game with this timeless, 100% lambswool coat from Bellemere New York that goes with every outfit, from denim to dresses. (rd.com)
  • If you are looking for a gift that your friend will be able to benefit from for a long time, you should consider getting them this subscription box that entitles them to up to 50% off top-quality workout gear that will keep their yoga sessions stylish. (dodoburd.com)
  • This affordable gift set will take their delectable creations to the next level, thanks to pure dark 70 percent and pure dark 80 percent chocolate bars, as well as a single-origin vanilla extract from the highest-quality Madagascar vanilla beans. (rd.com)

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How To

How do you make a gift basket that is unique?

A gift basket is a container that contains goodies and is given to show appreciation or thank you. There are three main types of gift baskets: fruit baskets; flower baskets; and candy baskets. There are many different ways to fill a gift basket depending upon what type you want. You have the option to purchase them in a store or order them online. Or you can make them yourself. These are some tips to keep in mind if you plan on making one.

  1. Buy the items separately. Avoid trying to save money by buying all the items together. It won't work out well if you don't have enough room in the box to fit everything. Furthermore, each item is clearly priced when you buy it individually. This will ensure that you pay less for everything if you purchase them individually.
  2. You should ensure that there is enough space inside. It is important not to stuff the items too tightly. Otherwise they could get crushed in transit. Also, don't forget to include something for the recipient to enjoy while he/she opens the gift. Some prefer to open gifts immediately, while others wait until Christmas Eve. In either case, ensure you include an extra gift for someone who might not open the gift right away.
  3. Choose a theme. You can choose a theme or a general idea. Maybe you would like to make a gift bag full of cookies. Perhaps you prefer a holiday theme for your gift basket. Whatever your choice, make sure the theme is consistent with the overall look of your gift. A messy gift could quickly become a disaster.
  4. Be creative. Let your imagination run wild! Take a look at where you live, and think about who you know. You might know someone whose birthday is near. A gift basket can be made for a friend, relative or neighbor who is living far from you. You should avoid sending anything offensive. It doesn't matter how nice a gift you want to give, others may not appreciate it. So, be careful.
  5. Include extras. Even though you may already have purchased the main ingredients for a gift basket, you should still add extras. You could add small toys or candies to your gift basket, or any type of treat you think your recipient would love.
  6. You should pack it carefully. Make sure you use high-quality boxes for your gift basket. Avoid plastic bags. They're flimsy and easily breakable. Wrap each item individually and place it in a box. This prevents damage and helps to ensure that nothing gets lost.
  7. Use bubble wrap. Bubble wrap keeps your items safe and protects them from being damaged in shipping. Wrap each item individually. Place the rest of your items around the wrapped items. Wrap the entire package in bubble wrap.
  8. Pack it carefully. You should ensure that your delivery service is familiar with fragile packages, regardless of whether you are sending it by mail or personally. The delivery service provider will provide you with packaging instructions. Ask them to send you another copy if they don't provide any.
  9. Make a personal note. Personalized notes go a long way toward making your gift special. It doesn't have to take much effort. It's best to keep it simple and write your name and address. That's really all you need to say.



New York Magazine's Holiday Gift Guide